Wireshark's list of Ethernet vendor codes and well-known MAC addresses
MAC addresses
MAC address | Description | Ethernet vendor |
00:50:C2:B6:60:00/36 | 8185 | |
00:50:C2:B6:70:00/36 |
RC Systems Co. Inc. |
Rc |
00:50:C2:B6:80:00/36 |
Electronic Systems Protection, Inc. |
Electron |
00:50:C2:B6:90:00/36 |
Thetis S.p.A. |
ThetisSP |
00:50:C2:B6:A0:00/36 |
Phytec Messtechnik GmbH |
PhytecMe |
00:50:C2:B6:B0:00/36 |
Phytec Messtechnik GmbH |
PhytecMe |
00:50:C2:B6:C0:00/36 | Drinelec | |
00:50:C2:B6:D0:00/36 |
Sound Metrics Corp |
SoundMet |
00:50:C2:B6:E0:00/36 | Private | |
00:50:C2:B6:F0:00/36 |
CT Company |
Ct |
00:50:C2:B7:00:00/36 |
Nisshin Electronics co.,ltd. |
NisshinE |
00:50:C2:B7:10:00/36 |
Digitale Analoge COMponenten West Electronic Vertriebs GmbH |
Digitale |
00:50:C2:B7:20:00/36 |
Advanced Desktop Systems Ltd |
Advanced |
00:50:C2:B7:30:00/36 |
ARKRAY, Inc. Kyoto Laboratory |
ArkrayKy |
00:50:C2:B7:40:00/36 |
AXED Jakubowski Wojciechowski sp.j. |
AxedJaku |
00:50:C2:B7:50:00/36 | Blankom | |
00:50:C2:B7:60:00/36 |
ITF Fröschl GmbH |
ItfFrösc |
00:50:C2:B7:70:00/36 | Kristech | |
00:50:C2:B7:80:00/36 | Folink | |
00:50:C2:B7:90:00/36 |
Mitsuya Laboratories Inc. |
MitsuyaL |
00:50:C2:B7:A0:00/36 |
Schnoor Industrieelektronik GmbH & Co. KG |
SchnoorI |
00:50:C2:B7:B0:00/36 |
Quartech Corporation |
Quartech |
00:50:C2:B7:C0:00/36 |
Bettini srl |
BettiniS |
00:50:C2:B7:D0:00/36 |
EletechS |
00:50:C2:B7:E0:00/36 |
Naretrends |
Naretren |
00:50:C2:B7:F0:00/36 | Enatel | |
00:50:C2:B8:00:00/36 |
iScreen LLC |
IscreenL |
00:50:C2:B8:10:00/36 |
GHL Advanced Technolgy GmbH & Co. KG |
GhlAdvan |
00:50:C2:B8:20:00/36 |
Tanabiki |
00:50:C2:B8:30:00/36 |
Advanced Storage Concepts, Inc. |
Advanced |
00:50:C2:B8:40:00/36 |
Innovate Software Solutions Pvt Ltd |
Innovate |
00:50:C2:B8:50:00/36 |
SilverNet |
Silverne |
00:50:C2:B8:60:00/36 | Asto | |
00:50:C2:B8:70:00/36 |
EMAC, Inc. |
Emac |
00:50:C2:B8:80:00/36 |
Gigatronik Köln GmbH |
Gigatron |
00:50:C2:B8:90:00/36 |
ENTEC Electric & Electronic Co., LTD. |
EntecEle |
00:50:C2:B8:A0:00/36 |
MicroPoise |
Micropoi |
00:50:C2:B8:B0:00/36 | Fbb | |
00:50:C2:B8:C0:00/36 |
Keith & Koep GmbH |
KeithKoe |
00:50:C2:B8:D0:00/36 | Cemsi | |
00:50:C2:B8:E0:00/36 |
WAC (Israel) Ltd. |
WacIsrae |
00:50:C2:B8:F0:00/36 | Gentec | |
00:50:C2:B9:00:00/36 |
Naonwork |
00:50:C2:B9:10:00/36 |
Finnet-Service Ltd. |
Finnet-S |
00:50:C2:B9:20:00/36 |
ABB Transmission and Distribution Automation Equipment (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. |
AbbTrans |
00:50:C2:B9:30:00/36 |
Emc Partner Ag |
EmcPartn |
00:50:C2:B9:40:00/36 |
Tritech International Ltd |
TritechI |
00:50:C2:B9:50:00/36 |
Rx Monitoring Services |
RxMonito |
00:50:C2:B9:60:00/36 |
Onix Electronic Systems Inc |
OnixElec |
00:50:C2:B9:70:00/36 | Ikerlan | |
00:50:C2:B9:80:00/36 |
Southwest Research Institute |
Southwes |
00:50:C2:B9:90:00/36 |
Greenlight Innovation Corp. |
Greenlig |
00:50:C2:B9:A0:00/36 |
Talo, NV Inc |
TaloNv |
00:50:C2:B9:B0:00/36 |
Telventy Energia S.A. |
Telventy |
00:50:C2:B9:C0:00/36 |
Dave Srl |
DaveSrl |
00:50:C2:B9:D0:00/36 |
W. Vershoven GmbH |
WVershov |
00:50:C2:B9:E0:00/36 |
Saia-Burgess Controls AG |
Saia-Bur |
00:50:C2:B9:F0:00/36 |
Audioscope 2K Srl |
Audiosco |
00:50:C2:BA:00:00/36 |
txtr GmbH |
Txtr |
00:50:C2:BA:10:00/36 |
Transtechnik GmbH & Co.KG |
Transtec |
00:50:C2:BA:20:00/36 |
Logical Tools s.r.l. |
LogicalT |
00:50:C2:BA:30:00/36 |
Dsp Design Ltd |
DspDesig |
00:50:C2:BA:40:00/36 |
Custos Mobile S.L. |
CustosMo |
00:50:C2:BA:50:00/36 |
InterCel Pty Ltd |
Intercel |
00:50:C2:BA:60:00/36 | Jomitek | |
00:50:C2:BA:70:00/36 |
RaumComputer Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH |
Raumcomp |
00:50:C2:BA:80:00/36 |
Peek Traffic Corporation |
PeekTraf |
00:50:C2:BA:90:00/36 |
SISS Technology Inc. |
SissTech |
00:50:C2:BA:A0:00/36 |
NetworkFX Communications, LLC |
Networkf |
00:50:C2:BA:B0:00/36 |
iDeal Teknoloji Bilisim Cozumleri A.S. |
IdealTek |
00:50:C2:BA:C0:00/36 |
Viteco Vnpt Jsc |
VitecoVn |
00:50:C2:BA:D0:00/36 |
Prediktor AS |
Predikto |
00:50:C2:BA:E0:00/36 |
Fiber Connections Inc. |
FiberCon |
00:50:C2:BA:F0:00/36 | Mangodsp | |
00:50:C2:BB:00:00/36 |
Gainbrain |
Gainbrai |
00:50:C2:BB:10:00/36 | Pro4Tech | |
00:50:C2:BB:20:00/36 |
St Michael Strategies Inc |
StMichae |
00:50:C2:BB:30:00/36 |
ClimateWell AB (publ) |
Climatew |
00:50:C2:BB:40:00/36 |
JSC Electrical Equipment Factory |
JscElect |
00:50:C2:BB:50:00/36 |
Mroad Information System |
MroadInf |
00:50:C2:BB:60:00/36 |
Quarch Technology Ltd |
QuarchTe |
00:50:C2:BB:70:00/36 |
GD Mission Systems |
GdMissio |
00:50:C2:BB:80:00/36 |
MoeTronix |
Moetroni |
00:50:C2:BB:90:00/36 |
Toptech Systems, Inc. |
Toptech |
00:50:C2:BB:A0:00/36 |
Systemteq Limited |
Systemte |
00:50:C2:BB:B0:00/36 |
GHL Systems Berhad |
GhlBerha |
00:50:C2:BB:C0:00/36 |
ImpactSystems |
Impactsy |
00:50:C2:BB:D0:00/36 |
ITS Telecom |
ItsTelec |
00:50:C2:BB:E0:00/36 |
Onlinepizza Norden AB |
Onlinepi |
00:50:C2:BB:F0:00/36 |
Phytec Messtechnik GmbH |
PhytecMe |
00:50:C2:BC:00:00/36 |
Galaxia Electronics |
GalaxiaE |
00:50:C2:BC:10:00/36 |
Sentec Ltd |
Sentec |
00:50:C2:BC:20:00/36 |
Xslent Energy Technologies. LLC |
XslentEn |
00:50:C2:BC:30:00/36 |
Phytec Messtechnik GmbH |
PhytecMe |
00:50:C2:BC:40:00/36 |
Wheatstone Corporation |
Wheatsto |
00:50:C2:BC:50:00/36 |
Toptechnology SRL |
Toptechn |
00:50:C2:BC:60:00/36 |
MireroTack |
Mirerota |
00:50:C2:BC:70:00/36 |
PTS GmbH |
Pts |
00:50:C2:BC:80:00/36 |
AGWTech Ltd |
Agwtech |
00:50:C2:BC:90:00/36 |
Nextmove Technologies |
Nextmove |