Wireshark's list of Ethernet vendor codes and well-known MAC addresses
MAC addresses
MAC address | Description | Ethernet vendor |
00:50:C2:A9:E0:00/36 |
Procon Engineering Limited |
ProconEn |
00:50:C2:A9:F0:00/36 |
YellowSoft Co., Ltd. |
Yellowso |
00:50:C2:AA:00:00/36 |
Smith Meter, Inc. |
SmithMet |
00:50:C2:AA:10:00/36 |
Elrem Electronic Ag |
ElremEle |
00:50:C2:AA:20:00/36 |
ELPA sas |
ElpaSas |
00:50:C2:AA:30:00/36 |
Peek Traffic Corporation |
PeekTraf |
00:50:C2:AA:40:00/36 |
PSi Printer Systems international GmbH |
PsiPrint |
00:50:C2:AA:50:00/36 |
Tampere University of Technology |
TampereU |
00:50:C2:AA:60:00/36 |
Bassett Electronic Systems ltd |
BassettE |
00:50:C2:AA:70:00/36 |
Endeas Oy |
EndeasOy |
00:50:C2:AA:80:00/36 |
Nexans Cabling Solutions |
NexansCa |
00:50:C2:AA:90:00/36 |
SanGiorg |
00:50:C2:AA:A0:00/36 |
Flexible Picture Systems |
Flexible |
00:50:C2:AA:B0:00/36 |
BRS Sistemas Eletrônicos |
BrsSiste |
00:50:C2:AA:C0:00/36 |
VisiCon GmbH |
Visicon |
00:50:C2:AA:D0:00/36 |
Update Systems Inc. |
Update |
00:50:C2:AA:E0:00/36 |
OutlineS |
00:50:C2:AA:F0:00/36 |
Santa Barbara Instrument Group |
SantaBar |
00:50:C2:AB:00:00/36 |
FRAKO Kondensatoren- und Anlagenbau GmbH |
FrakoKon |
00:50:C2:AB:10:00/36 |
Bitmanufaktur GmbH |
Bitmanuf |
00:50:C2:AB:20:00/36 |
ProCom Systems, Inc. |
Procom |
00:50:C2:AB:30:00/36 |
Compañía de Instrumentacion y control, S.L. |
Compañía |
00:50:C2:AB:40:00/36 |
n3k Informatik GmbH |
N3KInfor |
00:50:C2:AB:50:00/36 |
Mettler Toledo Hi Speed |
MettlerT |
00:50:C2:AB:60:00/36 |
Gygax Embedded Engineering GEE.ch |
GygaxEmb |
00:50:C2:AB:70:00/36 |
Twinfalls Technologies |
Twinfall |
00:50:C2:AB:80:00/36 |
AHM Limited (CLiKAPAD) |
AhmClika |
00:50:C2:AB:90:00/36 |
Showtacle |
Showtacl |
00:50:C2:AB:A0:00/36 |
Saia-Burgess Controls AG |
Saia-Bur |
00:50:C2:AB:B0:00/36 |
Volantic AB |
Volantic |
00:50:C2:AB:C0:00/36 | Barrick | |
00:50:C2:AB:D0:00/36 |
Monitor Business Machines Ltd. |
MonitorB |
00:50:C2:AB:E0:00/36 |
AP Labs |
ApLabs |
00:50:C2:AB:F0:00/36 |
MCC Computer Company |
MccCompu |
00:50:C2:AC:00:00/36 |
DS PRO Audio Ltda |
DsProAud |
00:50:C2:AC:10:00/36 |
Daishin- |
00:50:C2:AC:20:00/36 |
OpenXS B.V. |
OpenxsBV |
00:50:C2:AC:30:00/36 |
Diversified Control, Inc. |
Diversif |
00:50:C2:AC:40:00/36 |
Orion Technologies,LLC |
OrionTec |
00:50:C2:AC:50:00/36 |
E-Motion System, Inc. |
E-Motion |
00:50:C2:AC:60:00/36 |
Marathon Products, Inc. |
Marathon |
00:50:C2:AC:70:00/36 | Waveip | |
00:50:C2:AC:80:00/36 |
Palladio Systeme GmbH |
Palladio |
00:50:C2:AC:90:00/36 |
Steinbeis-Transferzentrum Embedded Design und Networking |
Steinbei |
00:50:C2:AC:A0:00/36 |
Soft & Control Technology s.r.o. |
SoftCont |
00:50:C2:AC:B0:00/36 |
U-Care Inc. |
U-Care |
00:50:C2:AC:C0:00/36 |
StockerYale |
Stockery |
00:50:C2:AC:D0:00/36 |
MeshWorks Wireless Oy |
Meshwork |
00:50:C2:AC:E0:00/36 |
ChronoLogic Pty. Ltd. |
Chronolo |
00:50:C2:AC:F0:00/36 |
SP Controls, Inc |
SpContro |
00:50:C2:AD:00:00/36 |
Geonautics Australia Pty Ltd |
Geonauti |
00:50:C2:AD:10:00/36 |
Phytec Messtechnik GmbH |
PhytecMe |
00:50:C2:AD:20:00/36 | Rafael | |
00:50:C2:AD:30:00/36 |
Peek Traffic Corporation |
PeekTraf |
00:50:C2:AD:40:00/36 |
Global Rainmakers Inc. |
GlobalRa |
00:50:C2:AD:50:00/36 |
Mighty Lube Systematic Lubrication, Inc. |
MightyLu |
00:50:C2:AD:60:00/36 |
Unisensor A/S |
Unisenso |
00:50:C2:AD:70:00/36 |
Air Monitors Ltd |
AirMonit |
00:50:C2:AD:80:00/36 | Incyma | |
00:50:C2:AD:90:00/36 |
elettrondata srl |
Elettron |
00:50:C2:AD:A0:00/36 |
Essepie Srl |
EssepieS |
00:50:C2:AD:B0:00/36 |
GO engineering GmbH |
GoEngine |
00:50:C2:AD:C0:00/36 |
Synthesechemie Dr. Penth GmbH |
Synthese |
00:50:C2:AD:D0:00/36 |
GD Mission Systems |
GdMissio |
00:50:C2:AD:E0:00/36 |
Neoptix Inc. |
Neoptix |
00:50:C2:AD:F0:00/36 |
Altinex, Inc |
Altinex |
00:50:C2:AE:00:00/36 |
AT4 wireless.S.A |
At4Wirel |
00:50:C2:AE:10:00/36 | Evercare | |
00:50:C2:AE:20:00/36 |
Power Medical Interventions |
PowerMed |
00:50:C2:AE:30:00/36 | Psd | |
00:50:C2:AE:40:00/36 |
Advanced Electronic Designs, Inc. |
Advanced |
00:50:C2:AE:50:00/36 |
ABS Gesellschaft f. Automatisierung, Bildverarbeitung und Software mbH |
AbsGesel |
00:50:C2:AE:60:00/36 |
Vecom Usa |
VecomUsa |
00:50:C2:AE:70:00/36 |
Redwood Systems |
Redwood |
00:50:C2:AE:80:00/36 |
Bit-Lab PTY LTD |
Bit-LabP |
00:50:C2:AE:90:00/36 |
ClearCorp Enterprises, Inc |
Clearcor |
00:50:C2:AE:A0:00/36 | Embedia | |
00:50:C2:AE:B0:00/36 |
UMLogics Corporation |
Umlogics |
00:50:C2:AE:C0:00/36 |
Fritz Pauker Ingenieure GmbH |
FritzPau |
00:50:C2:AE:D0:00/36 | 3Roam | |
00:50:C2:AE:E0:00/36 |
IPtec, Inc. |
Iptec |
00:50:C2:AE:F0:00/36 |
National CineMedia |
National |
00:50:C2:AF:00:00/36 |
Fr. Sauter AG |
FrSauter |
00:50:C2:AF:10:00/36 |
Green Goose |
GreenGoo |
00:50:C2:AF:20:00/36 |
ACD Elektronik GmbH |
AcdElekt |
00:50:C2:AF:30:00/36 |
Palomar Products, Inc. |
PalomarP |
00:50:C2:AF:40:00/36 |
Dixell S.p.A. |
DixellSP |
00:50:C2:AF:50:00/36 |
Kramara s.r.o. |
KramaraS |
00:50:C2:AF:60:00/36 | Energid | |
00:50:C2:AF:70:00/36 |
Midwest Microwave Solutions Inc. |
MidwestM |
00:50:C2:AF:80:00/36 |
Global Satellite Engineering |
GlobalSa |
00:50:C2:AF:90:00/36 |
Ingenieurbuero Bickele und Buehler GmbH |
Ingenieu |
00:50:C2:AF:A0:00/36 |
Absolute Fire Solutions Inc. |
Absolute |
00:50:C2:AF:B0:00/36 |
Vocality International Ltd |
Vocality |
00:50:C2:AF:C0:00/36 |
Odus Technologies SA |
OdusTech |
00:50:C2:AF:D0:00/36 |
HomeScenario, Inc. |
Homescen |
00:50:C2:AF:E0:00/36 |
Trolex Limited |
Trolex |
00:50:C2:AF:F0:00/36 |
XoByte LLC |
XobyteLl |
00:50:C2:B0:00:00/36 |
Saia-Burgess Controls AG |
Saia-Bur |
00:50:C2:B0:10:00/36 |
HSR Harald L. Reuter |
HsrHaral |