Wireshark's list of Ethernet vendor codes and well-known MAC addresses
MAC addresses
MAC address | Description | Ethernet vendor |
00:50:C2:28:70:00/36 |
TECNEW Electronics Engineering Cr., Ltd. |
TecnewEl |
00:50:C2:28:80:00/36 |
RPM Systems Corporation |
Rpm |
00:50:C2:28:90:00/36 |
Rototype S.p.A. |
Rototype |
00:50:C2:28:A0:00/36 |
Real Time Systems |
RealTime |
00:50:C2:28:B0:00/36 |
Orion Technologies,LLC |
OrionTec |
00:50:C2:28:C0:00/36 |
Futaba Corporation |
Futaba |
00:50:C2:28:D0:00/36 |
Axode Sa |
AxodeSa |
00:50:C2:28:E0:00/36 |
Tattile srl |
TattileS |
00:50:C2:28:F0:00/36 |
Spellman High Voltage Electronics Corp |
Spellman |
00:50:C2:29:00:00/36 |
Ebneuro Spa |
Ebneuro |
00:50:C2:29:10:00/36 |
Chauvin Arnoux |
ChauvinA |
00:50:C2:29:20:00/36 |
AMIRIX Systems |
Amirix |
00:50:C2:29:30:00/36 |
IP Unity |
IpUnity |
00:50:C2:29:40:00/36 |
EPSa GmbH |
Epsa |
00:50:C2:29:50:00/36 |
Logosol, Inc. |
Logosol |
00:50:C2:29:60:00/36 | Opvista | |
00:50:C2:29:70:00/36 | Kinetics | |
00:50:C2:29:80:00/36 |
Harvad University |
HarvadUn |
00:50:C2:29:90:00/36 |
Cad-Ul |
00:50:C2:29:A0:00/36 |
Packet Techniques Inc. |
PacketTe |
00:50:C2:29:B0:00/36 |
ACD Elektronik GmbH |
AcdElekt |
00:50:C2:29:C0:00/36 |
2NTeleko |
00:50:C2:29:D0:00/36 |
Globe Wireless |
GlobeWir |
00:50:C2:29:E0:00/36 |
SELEX Communications Ltd |
SelexCom |
00:50:C2:29:F0:00/36 |
Baudisch Electronic GmbH |
Baudisch |
00:50:C2:2A:00:00/36 |
Sterling Industry Consult GmbH |
Sterling |
00:50:C2:2A:10:00/36 |
Infinetix Corp |
Infineti |
00:50:C2:2A:20:00/36 |
Epelsa, SL |
EpelsaSl |
00:50:C2:2A:30:00/36 |
West-Com Nurse Call Systems, Inc. |
West-Com |
00:50:C2:2A:40:00/36 |
Xipher Embedded Networking |
XipherEm |
00:50:C2:2A:50:00/36 |
Septier Communication Ltd |
SeptierC |
00:50:C2:2A:60:00/36 |
Brannstroms Elektronik AB |
Brannstr |
00:50:C2:2A:70:00/36 |
Micro System Architecturing srl |
MicroSys |
00:50:C2:2A:80:00/36 |
DVTel Israel Ltd. |
DvtelIsr |
00:50:C2:2A:90:00/36 |
Dr. Staiger, Mohilo + Co GmbH |
DrStaige |
00:50:C2:2A:A0:00/36 |
DEUTA Werke GmbH |
DeutaWer |
00:50:C2:2A:B0:00/36 |
AUM Infotech Private Limited |
AumInfot |
00:50:C2:2A:C0:00/36 |
BBI Engineering, Inc. |
BbiEngin |
00:50:C2:2A:D0:00/36 |
ABB T&D Spa |
AbbT&D |
00:50:C2:2A:E0:00/36 |
Quest Retail Technology Pty Ltd |
QuestRet |
00:50:C2:2A:F0:00/36 |
CSA Computer & Antriebstechnik GmbH |
CsaCompu |
00:50:C2:2B:00:00/36 |
Telda Electronics |
TeldaEle |
00:50:C2:2B:10:00/36 | Private | |
00:50:C2:2B:20:00/36 |
Smiths Detection |
SmithsDe |
00:50:C2:2B:30:00/36 |
Embedded Systems Design |
Embedded |
00:50:C2:2B:40:00/36 |
Polatis Ltd |
Polatis |
00:50:C2:2B:50:00/36 |
Hobbes Computer Network Accessories |
HobbesCo |
00:50:C2:2B:60:00/36 |
Softier Inc. |
Softier |
00:50:C2:2B:70:00/36 |
RAFI GmbH & Co.KG |
Rafi |
00:50:C2:2B:80:00/36 |
Admiral Secure Products, Ltd. |
AdmiralS |
00:50:C2:2B:90:00/36 |
Richmond Sound Design Ltd. |
Richmond |
00:50:C2:2B:A0:00/36 |
Norco Industrial Technology Inc |
NorcoInd |
00:50:C2:2B:B0:00/36 |
TA Instruments Ltd |
TaInstru |
00:50:C2:2B:C0:00/36 |
Uster Technologies AG |
UsterTec |
00:50:C2:2B:D0:00/36 |
StorLink Semi |
Storlink |
00:50:C2:2B:E0:00/36 |
Lipowsky Industrie-Elektronik GmbH |
Lipowsky |
00:50:C2:2B:F0:00/36 | Perax | |
00:50:C2:2C:00:00/36 |
Magellan Technology Pty Limited |
Magellan |
00:50:C2:2C:10:00/36 |
Stage Tec Entwicklungsgesellschaft für professionelle Audio |
StageTec |
00:50:C2:2C:20:00/36 |
Smarteye Corporation |
Smarteye |
00:50:C2:2C:30:00/36 |
Digital SP Ltd |
DigitalS |
00:50:C2:2C:40:00/36 |
Invensys Energy Systens (NZ) Limited |
Invensys |
00:50:C2:2C:50:00/36 |
Elman srl |
ElmanSrl |
00:50:C2:2C:60:00/36 |
Initial Electronic Security Systems |
InitialE |
00:50:C2:2C:70:00/36 |
Siliquent Technologies Ltd |
Siliquen |
00:50:C2:2C:80:00/36 | Selco | |
00:50:C2:2C:90:00/36 |
Roseman Engineering Ltd. |
RosemanE |
00:50:C2:2C:A0:00/36 |
Putercom Co., Ltd |
Putercom |
00:50:C2:2C:B0:00/36 |
FACTS Engineering LLC |
FactsEng |
00:50:C2:2C:C0:00/36 |
Embedded Toolsmiths |
Embedded |
00:50:C2:2C:D0:00/36 |
DataWind Research |
Datawind |
00:50:C2:2C:E0:00/36 |
Ross Video Limited |
RossVide |
00:50:C2:2C:F0:00/36 |
Diseño de Sistemas en Silicio S.A. |
DiseñoDe |
00:50:C2:2D:00:00/36 |
Worth Data, Inc. |
WorthDat |
00:50:C2:2D:10:00/36 |
Miritek, Inc. |
Miritek |
00:50:C2:2D:20:00/36 |
Airnet Communications Corp |
AirnetCo |
00:50:C2:2D:30:00/36 |
Gerber Scientific Products, Inc. |
GerberSc |
00:50:C2:2D:40:00/36 |
Integrated System Solution Corp. |
Integrat |
00:50:C2:2D:50:00/36 |
Pixy Ag |
Pixy |
00:50:C2:2D:60:00/36 |
WIS Technologies |
WisTechn |
00:50:C2:2D:70:00/36 |
Neo Electronics Ltd |
NeoElect |
00:50:C2:2D:80:00/36 |
Syn-Tech Systems Inc |
Syn-Tech |
00:50:C2:2D:90:00/36 | Private | |
00:50:C2:2D:A0:00/36 |
PYRAMID Computer GmbH |
PyramidC |
00:50:C2:2D:B0:00/36 |
AutoTOOLS group Co. Ltd. |
Autotool |
00:50:C2:2D:C0:00/36 |
Wiener, Plein & Baus GmbH |
WienerPl |
00:50:C2:2D:D0:00/36 |
Westek Technology Ltd |
WestekTe |
00:50:C2:2D:E0:00/36 |
Research Applications |
Research |
00:50:C2:2D:F0:00/36 |
Micrel-Nke |
Micrel-N |
00:50:C2:2E:00:00/36 |
Baxter International Inc |
BaxterIn |
00:50:C2:2E:10:00/36 |
Access IS |
AccessIs |
00:50:C2:2E:20:00/36 |
Ballard Technology, Inc, |
BallardT |
00:50:C2:2E:30:00/36 |
MG Industrieelektronik GmbH |
MgIndust |
00:50:C2:2E:40:00/36 |
iamba LTD. |
Iamba |
00:50:C2:2E:50:00/36 |
Transtech DSP |
Transtec |
00:50:C2:2E:60:00/36 | Dalsa | |
00:50:C2:2E:70:00/36 |
SafeView, Inc. |
Safeview |
00:50:C2:2E:80:00/36 |
S.M.V. Systemelektronik GmbH |
SMVSyste |
00:50:C2:2E:90:00/36 |
SRI International |
SriInter |
00:50:C2:2E:A0:00/36 |
QUBIsoft S.r.l. |
Qubisoft |