Wireshark's list of Ethernet vendor codes and well-known MAC addresses
MAC addresses
MAC address | Description | Ethernet vendor |
00:50:C2:22:30:00/36 |
visicontrol GmbH |
Visicont |
00:50:C2:22:40:00/36 |
Pannocom |
00:50:C2:22:50:00/36 |
nVent, Schroff GmbH |
NventSch |
00:50:C2:22:60:00/36 |
Ross Video Limited |
RossVide |
00:50:C2:22:70:00/36 |
Intelligent Photonics Control |
Intellig |
00:50:C2:22:80:00/36 |
Intelligent Media Technologies, Inc. |
Intellig |
00:50:C2:22:90:00/36 |
eko systems inc. |
Eko |
00:50:C2:22:A0:00/36 |
Crescendo Networks |
Crescend |
00:50:C2:22:B0:00/36 |
Riegl Laser Measurement Systems GmbH |
RieglLas |
00:50:C2:22:C0:00/36 |
Intrinsity |
Intrinsi |
00:50:C2:22:D0:00/36 |
asetek Inc. |
Asetek |
00:50:C2:22:E0:00/36 |
Lord Ingenierie |
LordInge |
00:50:C2:22:F0:00/36 |
HTEC Limited |
Htec |
00:50:C2:23:00:00/36 |
AutoTOOLS group Co. Ltd. |
Autotool |
00:50:C2:23:10:00/36 |
Legra Systems, Inc. |
Legra |
00:50:C2:23:20:00/36 | Simet | |
00:50:C2:23:30:00/36 |
EdenTree Technologies, Inc. |
Edentree |
00:50:C2:23:40:00/36 |
Silverback Systems |
Silverba |
00:50:C2:23:50:00/36 |
Polimar Elektronik Ltd. |
PolimarE |
00:50:C2:23:60:00/36 |
JLCooper Electronics |
Jlcooper |
00:50:C2:23:70:00/36 |
Tandata Systems Ltd |
Tandata |
00:50:C2:23:80:00/36 |
Schwer+Kopka GmbH |
Schwer+K |
00:50:C2:23:90:00/36 |
Stins Coman |
StinsCom |
00:50:C2:23:A0:00/36 |
Chantry Networks |
ChantryN |
00:50:C2:23:B0:00/36 | Envara | |
00:50:C2:23:C0:00/36 |
Wheatstone Corporation |
Wheatsto |
00:50:C2:23:D0:00/36 |
Gauging Systems Inc |
Gauging |
00:50:C2:23:E0:00/36 |
Kallastra Inc. |
Kallastr |
00:50:C2:23:F0:00/36 |
Halliburton - NUMAR |
Hallibur |
00:50:C2:24:00:00/36 |
Geoquip Ltd |
Geoquip |
00:50:C2:24:10:00/36 |
Contronics Automacao Ltda |
Controni |
00:50:C2:24:20:00/36 |
Mds Sciex |
MdsSciex |
00:50:C2:24:30:00/36 |
RGB Spectrum |
RgbSpect |
00:50:C2:24:40:00/36 |
intec GmbH |
Intec |
00:50:C2:24:50:00/36 |
Hauppauge Computer Works, Inc. |
Hauppaug |
00:50:C2:24:60:00/36 |
Hardmeier |
Hardmeie |
00:50:C2:24:70:00/36 |
Gradual Tecnologia Ltda. |
GradualT |
00:50:C2:24:80:00/36 |
Dixtal Biomedica Ind. Com. Ltda. |
DixtalBi |
00:50:C2:24:90:00/36 |
Bender GmbH & Co. KG |
Bender |
00:50:C2:24:A0:00/36 |
CDS Rail |
CdsRail |
00:50:C2:24:B0:00/36 |
Azimuth Systems, Inc. |
Azimuth |
00:50:C2:24:C0:00/36 | Supertel | |
00:50:C2:24:D0:00/36 |
Mettler Toledo Hi Speed |
MettlerT |
00:50:C2:24:E0:00/36 |
Scharff Weisberg Systems Integration Inc |
ScharffW |
00:50:C2:24:F0:00/36 |
Macronet s.r.l. |
Macronet |
00:50:C2:25:00:00/36 |
ACD Elektronik GmbH |
AcdElekt |
00:50:C2:25:10:00/36 |
DGT Sp. z o.o. |
DgtSpZOO |
00:50:C2:25:20:00/36 |
ads-tec GmbH |
Ads-Tec |
00:50:C2:25:30:00/36 |
DSM-Messtechnik GmbH |
Dsm-Mess |
00:50:C2:25:40:00/36 |
Thales Communications Ltd |
ThalesCo |
00:50:C2:25:50:00/36 |
STMicroelectronics SRL |
Stmicroe |
00:50:C2:25:60:00/36 |
Information Technology Corp. |
Informat |
00:50:C2:25:70:00/36 |
Digicast Networks |
Digicast |
00:50:C2:25:80:00/36 |
Spacesaver Corporation |
Spacesav |
00:50:C2:25:90:00/36 |
Omicron Ceti AB |
OmicronC |
00:50:C2:25:A0:00/36 |
Zendex Corporation |
Zendex |
00:50:C2:25:B0:00/36 |
Winford Engineering |
WinfordE |
00:50:C2:25:C0:00/36 |
Softhill Technologies Ltd. |
Softhill |
00:50:C2:25:D0:00/36 | Rdtech | |
00:50:C2:25:E0:00/36 |
MITE Hradec Kralove, s.r.o. |
MiteHrad |
00:50:C2:25:F0:00/36 |
Albert Handtmann Maschinenfabrik GmbH&Co.KG |
AlbertHa |
00:50:C2:26:00:00/36 | Biotage | |
00:50:C2:26:10:00/36 |
Tattile Srl |
TattileS |
00:50:C2:26:20:00/36 |
Shanghai Gaozhi Science&Technology Development Ltd. |
Shanghai |
00:50:C2:26:30:00/36 |
Vansco Electronics Oy |
VanscoEl |
00:50:C2:26:40:00/36 |
Confidence Direct Ltd |
Confiden |
00:50:C2:26:50:00/36 |
Belik S.P.R.L. |
BelikSPR |
00:50:C2:26:60:00/36 |
AtomGike |
00:50:C2:26:70:00/36 |
Allen Martin Conservation Ltd |
AllenMar |
00:50:C2:26:80:00/36 |
Parabit Systems |
Parabit |
00:50:C2:26:90:00/36 |
Technisyst Pty Ltd |
Technisy |
00:50:C2:26:A0:00/36 |
Fg Synerys |
FgSynery |
00:50:C2:26:B0:00/36 |
Continental Gateway Limited |
Continen |
00:50:C2:26:C0:00/36 |
Crystal Vision Ltd |
CrystalV |
00:50:C2:26:D0:00/36 |
Dsp Design |
DspDesig |
00:50:C2:26:E0:00/36 |
ZP Engineering SEL |
ZpEngine |
00:50:C2:26:F0:00/36 |
Digital Recorders Inc |
DigitalR |
00:50:C2:27:00:00/36 |
S4 Technology Pty Ltd |
S4Techno |
00:50:C2:27:10:00/36 |
Vlsip Technologies Inc. |
VlsipTec |
00:50:C2:27:20:00/36 |
Verex Technology |
VerexTec |
00:50:C2:27:30:00/36 |
Servicios Condumex, S. A. de C. V. |
Servicio |
00:50:C2:27:40:00/36 |
Fundación TECNALIA Research & Innovation |
Fundació |
00:50:C2:27:50:00/36 |
Extreme Engineering Solutions |
ExtremeE |
00:50:C2:27:60:00/36 |
Tieline Research Pty Ltd |
TielineR |
00:50:C2:27:70:00/36 |
T/R Systems, Inc. |
T/R |
00:50:C2:27:80:00/36 |
Replicom Ltd. |
Replicom |
00:50:C2:27:90:00/36 |
PATLITE Corporation |
Patlite |
00:50:C2:27:A0:00/36 |
Maestro Pty Ltd |
MaestroP |
00:50:C2:27:B0:00/36 |
LinkSecurity A/S |
Linksecu |
00:50:C2:27:C0:00/36 |
Danlaw Inc |
Danlaw |
00:50:C2:27:D0:00/36 |
Allied Telesis K.K. |
AlliedTe |
00:50:C2:27:E0:00/36 |
AnaLogic Computers Ltd. |
Analogic |
00:50:C2:27:F0:00/36 |
Air Broadband Communications, Inc. |
AirBroad |
00:50:C2:28:00:00/36 |
Agecodagis Sarl |
Agecodag |
00:50:C2:28:10:00/36 |
CabTronix GmbH |
Cabtroni |
00:50:C2:28:20:00/36 | Telvent | |
00:50:C2:28:30:00/36 |
Ansitex Corp. |
Ansitex |
00:50:C2:28:40:00/36 |
Micronet Ltd. |
Micronet |
00:50:C2:28:50:00/36 |
Littwin GmbH & Co KG |
Littwin |
00:50:C2:28:60:00/36 | Ateme |