Wireshark's list of Ethernet vendor codes and well-known MAC addresses
MAC addresses
MAC address | Description | Ethernet vendor |
70:B3:D5:BD:50:00/36 |
Synics AG |
Synics |
70:B3:D5:BD:60:00/36 |
Consarc Corporation |
Consarc |
70:B3:D5:BD:80:00/36 |
MB connect line GmbH Fernwartungssysteme |
MbConnec |
70:B3:D5:BD:90:00/36 |
SolwayTech |
Solwayte |
70:B3:D5:BD:A0:00/36 |
5-D Systems, Inc. |
5-D |
70:B3:D5:BD:D0:00/36 |
Cdr Srl |
CdrSrl |
70:B3:D5:BE:10:00/36 |
FeCon GmbH |
Fecon |
70:B3:D5:BE:30:00/36 |
Saratov Electrounit Production Plant named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, OJSC |
SaratovE |
70:B3:D5:BE:40:00/36 |
Kunshan excellent Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. |
KunshanE |
70:B3:D5:BE:50:00/36 |
Pantec Engineering AG |
PantecEn |
70:B3:D5:BE:60:00/36 |
CCII Systems (Pty) Ltd |
CciiPty |
70:B3:D5:BE:80:00/36 |
AndFun Co.,Ltd. |
Andfun |
70:B3:D5:BE:90:00/36 |
Telecast Inc. |
Telecast |
70:B3:D5:BE:A0:00/36 |
Virtuosys Ltd |
Virtuosy |
70:B3:D5:BE:C0:00/36 |
Tokyo Communication Equipment MFG Co.,ltd. |
TokyoCom |
70:B3:D5:BE:D0:00/36 |
Itrinegy Ltd. |
Itrinegy |
70:B3:D5:BE:F0:00/36 |
Sensortech Systems Inc. |
Sensorte |
70:B3:D5:BF:10:00/36 |
Flashnet SRL |
Flashnet |
70:B3:D5:BF:20:00/36 |
Twin Development |
TwinDeve |
70:B3:D5:BF:30:00/36 |
Cg-Wireless |
Cg-Wirel |
70:B3:D5:BF:50:00/36 |
Acacia Research |
AcaciaRe |
70:B3:D5:BF:60:00/36 |
comtac AG |
Comtac |
70:B3:D5:BF:90:00/36 |
Okolab Srl |
OkolabSr |
70:B3:D5:BF:A0:00/36 |
Nesa Srl |
NesaSrl |
70:B3:D5:BF:B0:00/36 |
Sensor 42 |
Sensor42 |
70:B3:D5:BF:E0:00/36 |
Aplex Technology Inc. |
AplexTec |
70:B3:D5:C0:10:00/36 |
SmartGuard LLC |
Smartgua |
70:B3:D5:C0:30:00/36 |
XAVi Technologies Corp. |
XaviTech |
70:B3:D5:C0:50:00/36 |
KST technology |
KstTechn |
70:B3:D5:C0:60:00/36 |
XotonicsMED GmbH |
Xotonics |
70:B3:D5:C0:70:00/36 | Areco | |
70:B3:D5:C0:80:00/36 |
Talleres de Escoriaza SA |
Talleres |
70:B3:D5:C0:A0:00/36 |
Infosocket Co., Ltd. |
Infosock |
70:B3:D5:C0:B0:00/36 |
Fstudio Co Ltd |
Fstudio |
70:B3:D5:C0:C0:00/36 |
Tech4Race |
Tech4Rac |
70:B3:D5:C0:E0:00/36 |
SysdevSr |
70:B3:D5:C0:F0:00/36 |
Honeywell Safety Products USA, Inc |
Honeywel |
70:B3:D5:C1:10:00/36 |
Ariston Thermo s.p.a. |
AristonT |
70:B3:D5:C1:20:00/36 |
Beijing Wisetone Information Technology Co.,Ltd. |
BeijingW |
70:B3:D5:C1:40:00/36 |
Grupo Epelsa S.L. |
GrupoEpe |
70:B3:D5:C1:50:00/36 |
Sensobox GmbH |
Sensobox |
70:B3:D5:C1:60:00/36 |
Southern Innovation |
Southern |
70:B3:D5:C1:70:00/36 |
Potter Electric Signal Co. LLC |
PotterEl |
70:B3:D5:C1:A0:00/36 | Xylon | |
70:B3:D5:C1:B0:00/36 |
Labinvent JSC |
Labinven |
70:B3:D5:C1:C0:00/36 |
D.E.M. Spa |
70:B3:D5:C1:D0:00/36 |
Kranze Technology Solutions |
KranzeTe |
70:B3:D5:C1:F0:00/36 |
Behr Technologies Inc |
BehrTech |
70:B3:D5:C2:00:00/36 |
Mipot S.p.a. |
MipotSPA |
70:B3:D5:C2:10:00/36 |
Aplex Technology Inc. |
AplexTec |
70:B3:D5:C2:20:00/36 |
Skyriver Communications Inc. |
Skyriver |
70:B3:D5:C2:40:00/36 |
Elbit Systems of America |
ElbitOfA |
70:B3:D5:C2:50:00/36 |
speedsignal GmbH |
Speedsig |
70:B3:D5:C2:60:00/36 |
Triple Play Communications |
TriplePl |
70:B3:D5:C2:70:00/36 |
GD Mission Systems |
GdMissio |
70:B3:D5:C2:90:00/36 |
Softland India Ltd |
Softland |
70:B3:D5:C2:A0:00/36 |
Array Telepresence |
ArrayTel |
70:B3:D5:C2:C0:00/36 |
Dromont S.p.A. |
DromontS |
70:B3:D5:C2:D0:00/36 |
Ensotech Limited |
Ensotech |
70:B3:D5:C2:E0:00/36 |
Triax A/S |
Triax |
70:B3:D5:C2:F0:00/36 |
ATBiS Co.,Ltd |
Atbis |
70:B3:D5:C3:20:00/36 |
Infrasafe/ Advantor Systems |
Infrasaf |
70:B3:D5:C3:30:00/36 |
Dandong Dongfang Measurement & Control Technology Co., Ltd. |
DandongD |
70:B3:D5:C3:40:00/36 |
Technical Panels Co. Ltd. |
Technica |
70:B3:D5:C3:50:00/36 |
Vibrationmaster |
Vibratio |
70:B3:D5:C3:70:00/36 |
Keycom Corp. |
Keycom |
70:B3:D5:C3:80:00/36 |
Cresprit Inc. |
Cresprit |
70:B3:D5:C3:90:00/36 |
MeshWorks Wireless Oy |
Meshwork |
70:B3:D5:C3:B0:00/36 |
Vironova AB |
Vironova |
70:B3:D5:C3:C0:00/36 |
Peek Traffic |
PeekTraf |
70:B3:D5:C3:D0:00/36 |
CISTECH Solutions |
CistechS |
70:B3:D5:C3:E0:00/36 |
Dosadores Alltronic |
Dosadore |
70:B3:D5:C3:F0:00/36 |
Code Blue Corporation |
CodeBlue |
70:B3:D5:C4:00:00/36 |
HongSeok Ltd. |
Hongseok |
70:B3:D5:C4:10:00/36 |
Merlin CSI |
MerlinCs |
70:B3:D5:C4:20:00/36 | Crde | |
70:B3:D5:C4:30:00/36 |
Future Skies |
FutureSk |
70:B3:D5:C4:50:00/36 |
Stiebel Eltron GmbH |
StiebelE |
70:B3:D5:C4:90:00/36 |
BTG Instruments AB |
BtgInstr |
70:B3:D5:C4:A0:00/36 | Tiama | |
70:B3:D5:C4:B0:00/36 |
Anker-East |
Anker-Ea |
70:B3:D5:C4:C0:00/36 |
VTC Digicom |
VtcDigic |
70:B3:D5:C4:D0:00/36 |
RADA Electronics Industries Ltd. |
RadaElec |
70:B3:D5:C4:F0:00/36 |
AE Van de Vliet BVBA |
AeVanDeV |
70:B3:D5:C5:30:00/36 |
S Labs sp. z o.o. |
SLabsSpZ |
70:B3:D5:C5:50:00/36 |
Intelligent Energy Ltd |
Intellig |
70:B3:D5:C5:60:00/36 | Teletask | |
70:B3:D5:C5:80:00/36 |
RMI Laser LLC |
RmiLaser |
70:B3:D5:C5:A0:00/36 |
Commsignia Ltd. |
Commsign |
70:B3:D5:C5:B0:00/36 |
ACD Elektronik GmbH |
AcdElekt |
70:B3:D5:C5:C0:00/36 |
Layer Logic Inc |
LayerLog |
70:B3:D5:C5:D0:00/36 |
Foshan Shilantian Network S.T. Co., Ltd. |
FoshanSh |
70:B3:D5:C6:00:00/36 |
Gogo BA |
GogoBa |
70:B3:D5:C6:10:00/36 |
Jc Hunter Technologies |
JcHunter |
70:B3:D5:C6:20:00/36 | Wiznova | |
70:B3:D5:C6:30:00/36 |
Xentech Solutions Limited |
XentechS |
70:B3:D5:C6:40:00/36 |
SYS TEC electronic GmbH |
SysTecEl |
70:B3:D5:C6:50:00/36 |
Peek Traffic |
PeekTraf |
70:B3:D5:C6:60:00/36 |
Blue Access Inc |
BlueAcce |
70:B3:D5:C6:70:00/36 |
Collini Dienstleistungs GmbH |
ColliniD |